Tag Rugby Laws
At first glance, the rules of Tag Rugby might seem complicated, but they are actually straightforward and guided by clear, established laws of the game. Tag Rugby is a non-contact version of rugby, designed to be inclusive and enjoyable for players of all ages and skill levels.
Instead of tackling, players wear shorts with velcro tags attached. Defenders must remove one of these tags from the player carrying the ball to simulate a tackle. This makes the sport both safe and accessible, providing the excitement of rugby without the physical tackles.
Teams typically consist of seven players at social levels, with games played in a friendly yet competitive spirit. Players focus on agility, teamwork, and strategic movement to score tries, as physical contact is limited and strictly regulated. When a player’s tag is pulled off, they must return to where they were tagged and roll the ball back to a scrum half.
The primary aim is to score tries by grounding the ball behind your opponents’ try line. Tag Rugby is ideal for individuals looking to participate in a sport that promotes fitness, fun, and camaraderie without the risk of injury from tackling. It’s accessible to everyone, regardless of age, fitness level, or experience, making it an inclusive and enjoyable sporting activity.
Whether you’re new to rugby or a seasoned player looking for a less physically demanding variation, Tag Republic Tag Rugby offers a fantastic way to stay fit, meet new people, and experience the thrill of the game. Come join us on the pitch, and discover why Tag Rugby is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports in Cork!

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1.01 - Definition of ADVANTAGE
ADVANTAGE – Is to allow play to proceed to the advantage of the team which has not committed an offence or infringement.
1.02 - Definition of ARM
ARM – (Re knock-on) is defined where the arm joins the shoulder at the arm-pit.
1.03 - Definition of ATTACKER
ATTACKER – Is a member of the attacking team.
1.04 - Definition of ATTACKING TEAM
ATTACKING TEAM – Is the team who has possession of the ball.
1.05 - Definition of BALL CARRIER
BALL CARRIER – Is a member of the attacking team who has possession of the ball.
1.06 - Definition of BALL PLAYER
BALL PLAYER – Is the member of the attacking team who is imparting motion to the ball at the play-the-ball area with his/her foot.
1.07 - Definition of BAULK
BAULK – The dummy-half pretends to pick up the ball.
1.08 - Definition of BONUS BOX
BONUS BOX – This is a box marked out 5m wide in the middle of the try line and 3m deep. For Social Tag, only female players can score in the bonus box to receive an additional 1 point (therefore getting 4 points for a female bonus box try). A try is awarded when the ball is placed directly on / partly over the try line and bonus box lines. A player can access the bonus box from the front, side or back line to score a try, as there is no dead ball line.
1.09 - Definition of CHANGEOVER
CHANGEOVER – Is the surrendering of the ball to the opposing side.
1.10 - Definition of CLOSING THE GAP
CLOSING THE GAP – When two defenders move towards each other and close the path of the ball carrier.
1.11 - Definition of CONTACT
CONTACT – The touching or collision of bodies whether deliberate or accidental.
1.12 - Definition of CROSS BODY TAG
CROSS BODY TAG – When a defender reaches across the attacker’s body to remove the attacker’s tag.
1.13 - Definition of DEAD BALL LINE
DEAD BALL LINE – Is a line a minimum of 3m from the try line and provides an area within which a player can score a try. The dead ball line will be used as a safety measure where required.
1.14 - Definition of DEFENDER
DEFENDER – Is a member of the defending team.
1.15 - Definition of DEFENDING TEAM
DEFENDING TEAM – Is the team without possession of the ball.
1.16 - Definition of DEFENSIVE LINE
DEFENSIVE LINE – Is a line of defending players.
1.17 - Definition of DIPPING
DIPPING – Lowering the body to lower the position of the tags to prevent being tagged.
1.18 - Definition of DIVE
DIVE – A dynamic movement head first through the air where both feet leave the ground.
1.19 - Definition of DROP KICK
DROP KICK – The ball is released from the hands and is kicked as it rebounds off the ground.
1.20 - Definition of DUMMY-HALF
DUMMY-HALF – Is the attacking player who takes up position immediately behind the ball player during the play-the-ball.
1.21 - Definition of FENDING
FENDING – Using the hand, arm, ball or body (bending forward), etc. to prevent being tagged.
1.22 - Definition of FIELD-OF-PLAY
FIELD-OF-PLAY – The area within the touchline and try line.
1.23 - Definition of FORWARD PASS
FORWARD PASS – Passing the ball forward towards opponents try line.
1.24 - Definition of GROUNDING THE BALL
GROUNDING THE BALL – Placing the ball with downward pressure on or over the opponent’s try line and bonus box lines with hand, hands, wrist or forearm.
1.25 - Definition of IN POSSESSION
IN POSSESSION – A player has control of the ball with their hands or arm.
1.26 - Definition of IRREGULARLY AFFECTED
IRREGULARLY AFFECTED – A team may be disadvantaged by play being irregularly affected, e.g. ball hitting a referee and bouncing back to kicking team.
1.27 - Definition of JUMP
JUMP – To spring with two feet off the ground in a vertical direction and landing on your feet.
1.28 - Definition of KICK
KICK – Deliberately striking the ball with the leg from below the knee to the toe. This action does not include blocking or trapping the ball with the foot or leg.
1.29 - Definition of KICKING TEAM
KICKING TEAM – Is the team which kicks the ball.
1.30 - Definition of KICK-OFF POINT
KICK-OFF POINT – Is the position at the centre of the halfway line.